jQuery223015203695823741814_1625046011963({"name":["Fidelma Hawney","Ann Irwin","Michelle M.","Danielle Bourg"],"stars":["5","5","5","5"],"user_title":["It\u2019s great to have a one-stop-shop for top quality clothes that we love","SK gives my kids the platform to express themselves through their individual style","The clothes are stunning and extremely well-made.","So many unique items that you can\u2019t find anywhere!"],"user_text":["Not only do I love it when my son looks great, but so does he. As a working mom, I don\u2019t have time to run around to a million stores. That\u2019s why I love SK. It\u2019s great to have a one-stop-shop for top quality clothes that we love, that look amazing in photos and adds a bit of swagger to his step.\r\nThanks for making my life easier.","The clothes from Sayings Kids gives my kids the platform to express themselves through their individual style. I look forward to them having a life long passion of inspiring the world around them through self expression.","I have been recently introduced to Sayings Kids and all I can say is WOW! Where has this shop been for the last 7 years of my daughter\u2019s life? If you are looking for unique runway-like look for your child this is the shop for you! The clothes are stunning and extremely well-made. As a parent of an only child, I am extremely picky when it comes to my daughter\u2019s clothes and I am in love with this clothing line. The shop owner, Jennifer, has an eye for fashion that\u2019s forward but not over-the-top. She is super sweet and beyond accommodating. She recently allowed me to stop by her house for a last minute accessory purchase and outfit addition for a photo shoot the very next day. I will be shopping Saying Kids for a long time!","Beautiful!! My daughter loves wearing all of SK clothing. She gets so many compliments!\r\nThe quality is great and there are so many wonderful pieces to choose from at SK. I love how they have so many unique items that you can\u2019t find anywhere!\r\n"],"user_img":["","","",""],"created":["25-Nov-2019","19-Nov-2019","13-Nov-2019","13-Nov-2019"],"verified_badge_status":["0","0","0","0"],"heading_name":"","headfont_size":"18","headfont_style":"0","heading_color":"000000","testimonial_view":"1","title_font":"16","title_font_type":"0","text_font":"14","load_more":"4","lm_color":"FFFFFF","lm_bgcolor":"000000","no_of_testimonial":"2","show_review_title":"1","show_date":"0","date_font":"14","show_author":"1","author_font":"14","show_user_img":"0","show_star":"1","top_margin":"30","bottom_margin":"20","cust_added_css":"","submitbtn_status":"1","formfield_setting":"{\"fm_head_show\":\"1\",\"fm_head\":\"Submit your views here\",\"fm_name\":\"Customer name\",\"fm_name_placehold\":\"Enter your name\",\"fm_email\":\"Customer Email\",\"fm_email_placehold\":\"Enter your email here\",\"fm_rating_title\":\"Star rating\",\"fm_testihead_title\":\"Testimonial heading\",\"fm_testihead_placehold\":\"Enter the heading of testimonial\",\"fm_file_head\":\"File upload(Optional)\",\"fm_testitext_title\":\"Testimonial text\",\"fm_testitext_placehold\":\"Enter your words about review\",\"fm_sbmitbtn_text\":\"Submit\"}","msnry_settings":"{\"brdr_size\":\"0\",\"brdr_radius\":\"0\",\"msnr_padding\":\"0\",\"msngbr_color\":\"ffffff00\",\"msngbg_color\":\"ffffff00\"}","button_text":"Submit Review","submit_button_font":"16","submit_button_align":"right","button_bg_color":"000000","button_color":"FFFFFF","rev_head_col":"000000","cust_name_col":"000000","cust_date_col":"000000","cust_review_col":"000000","shoplan":"0","count_email":null,"shop_token":"a9f8e57f04ee404aeb66693c97e76853"})