jQuery223039422501286317857_1677694889417({"name":["Rachel ","nanabcupcakes","Amanda ","Phoebe "],"stars":["5","5","5","5"],"user_title":["","","",""],"user_text":["Got a tip about these masks from a friend on the coast and absolutely in love. By far the most comfortable and most durable masks we have gotten during the pandemic --- not to mention the most adorable. The top wire really helps with my abnormally small nose and the adjustable straps create just enough tension for it to stay put without tugging your ears off by the end of the day. Plus with their mission statement, what's not to love about these! Can't wait to order more in the next drop! ","The absolute only masks we use. And the absolute best masks we have used. My husband works with pets, full time. And has his mask on all day. We both wear glasses. He has no issues with his glasses fogging up. I do sometimes, but it's bc of me lol no fault of the mask. I'm just constantly adjusting everything. But regardless, my favorite masks. My only masks that I wear. I always try to purchase at least one with the extra amount to provide a free mask for someone in need. (And I encourage you to do the same if you have the means) if we can I'll do both of our masks at that amount. Also Jane and her team are the bee's knees! Buy things from them!","I have gotten I think 4 black rabbit masks now and I absolutely love them! The sliding scale system made it so I could receive free masks when I was struggling financially and then once I was doing better financially I was able to help pay for other people\u2019s masks as well as my own. On one of my orders there wasn\u2019t enough elastic adjusters but I messaged them and they sent me some right away. 10000000\/10!!!!","These masks are truly the best. I adore the patterns and they are just so functional and thick, yet comfy too! And such an important and amazing business model with mutual care at the center. Thanks for continuing to make the greatest masks around!! "],"user_img":["https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0288\/6044\/8816\/t\/1\/assets\/c1g9602A0FA-5E89-4723-AC40-A3177FD00FF5.jpeg?v=1615429449","","",""],"created":["08-Jan-2021","23-Dec-2020","23-Dec-2020","23-Dec-2020"],"verified_badge_status":["0","0","0","0"],"heading_name":"","headfont_size":"18","headfont_style":"0","heading_color":"FFA467","testimonial_view":"3","title_font":"16","title_font_type":"0","text_font":"14","load_more":"4","lm_color":"FFFFFF","lm_bgcolor":"000000","no_of_testimonial":"2","show_review_title":"0","show_date":"0","date_font":"14","show_author":"1","author_font":"20","show_user_img":"1","show_star":"0","top_margin":"0","bottom_margin":"20","cust_added_css":"","submitbtn_status":"1","formfield_setting":"{\"fm_head_show\":\"1\",\"fm_head\":\"If you love your masks, leave us a review! Thank you!\",\"fm_name_show\":\"1\",\"fm_name\":\"Name\",\"fm_name_placehold\":\"...\",\"fm_email_show\":\"0\",\"fm_email\":\"Customer Email\",\"fm_email_placehold\":\"Enter email here\",\"fm_star_show\":\"0\",\"star_col\":\"F9C905\",\"fm_rating_title\":\"Star rating\",\"fm_title_show\":\"0\",\"fm_testihead_title\":\"Testimonial heading title\",\"fm_testihead_placehold\":\"Add heading to your testimonial\",\"fm_file_show\":\"1\",\"fm_file_head\":\"User Picture(optional)\",\"fm_testitext_title\":\"Add Review Here\",\"fm_testitext_placehold\":\"...\",\"fm_sbmitbtn_text\":\"Submit\",\"fmbtn_col\":\"FFFFFF\",\"fmbtn_bgcol\":\"2B2828\"}","msnry_settings":"{\"brdr_size\":\"1\",\"brdr_radius\":\"4\",\"msnr_padding\":\"4\",\"bx_shadow\":\"0\",\"msngbr_color\":\"FFFFFF\",\"msngbg_color\":\"FFFFFF\",\"show_rm\":\"0\",\"readmr_li\":\"160\",\"readmr_tx\":\"...Read more\",\"readle_tx\":\"..Less\",\"style\":\"5\"}","button_text":"Submit a Review! ","submit_button_font":"16","submit_button_align":"center","button_bg_color":"FF6B6B","button_color":"FFFFFF","rev_head_col":"000000","cust_name_col":"000000","cust_date_col":"000000","cust_review_col":"000000","shoplan":"3","count_email":"13","shop_token":"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"})